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Homam / Pitru Pooja (contact us)

यह सेवा उपलब्ध नहीं है, कृपया अधिक जानकारी के लिए संपर्क करें।

Arrange for Lakshmi homam or pirtu karya or shanti jooja

500 यूएस डॉलर
Texas Gaushala Waller

सेवा का विवरण

"Homam" and "Pitra Puja" are two distinct rituals commonly performed in Hindu religious practices, each with its own significance and purpose: Homam, also known as Havan or Yagna, is a sacred fire ritual in Hinduism. It involves the offering of various materials into a consecrated fire while reciting Vedic mantras and prayers. Homam is performed for various purposes, including seeking divine blessings, purification, prosperity, and spiritual progress. It is believed to purify the environment, appease deities, and create positive energy. Different types of Homams are conducted for specific purposes, such as the Rudra Homam for Lord Shiva or the Lakshmi Homam for wealth and prosperity. Pitra Puja, also known as Shraddha or Tarpana, is a ritual performed to honor and offer respect to one's ancestors or deceased family members. Pitra Puja is performed to seek the blessings of one's ancestors and to ensure their peaceful transition to the afterlife. It is believed that by performing this ritual, one can alleviate the suffering of their ancestors and express gratitude for their contributions to the family's lineage. Pitra Puja is commonly observed during the Pitru Paksha, a specific fortnight dedicated to honoring ancestors, usually in September. The primary purpose of a Homam is to seek blessings, purification, and divine favor, while Pitra Puja is specifically focused on paying respects to departed ancestors. Components: Homam involves offering various materials into a consecrated fire, such as ghee, grains, and herbs. In contrast, Pitra Puja includes offerings of food, water, and prayers to ancestral spirits. Homam can be performed on various occasions, including religious festivals, weddings, and personal ceremonies. Pitra Puja is typically performed during specific times, especially during the Pitru Paksha, but can also be observed on the death anniversaries of ancestors. Homam can be performed by priests or individuals for their personal or family needs. Pitra Puja is typically conducted by family members to honor their ancestors. Significance: Homam is more general in its purpose and is associated with invoking deities, while Pitra Puja is focused on one's lineage and ancestral connections. Both Homam and Pitra Puja are integral parts of Hindu religious practices, and they play important roles in maintaining a connection with the divine and with one's family heritage. The specific rituals and practices involved may vary depending on regional and cultural

आगामी सत्र

रद्द करने की नीति

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  • Texas Gaushala Waller

    20303 Kickapoo Road, Waller, TX, USA

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